Increase Your Plant’s Immunity:- Any experienced grower can testify to how profoundly frustrating it is to lose one or more plants to disease or pests. A plant that suffers stunted growth or even death because of unwanted intruders represents a lost investment and a lot of care and effort gone down the drain. Fortunately, Nurture Nutrient Amplifier can help improve your plants immunity. First, since it facilities superior nutrient uptake and provides powerful plant hormones, it will make your plant healthier and more resistant to disease. Second, NNA contains some natural antibiotic properties, which can help in suppressing harmful bacteria. These features also make it work well as a foliar fertilizer, where the antibiotic properties can help protect your leaves from infection.
Increase Nutrient Uptake :- Certain compounds in NNA facilitate the chelation of nutrients, making them much more bioavialable. This means that your current nutrient solution will be much more effective in helping your plant thrive. To further increase nutrient uptake, most hydroponic growers choose to use the nutrients additives like NNA,to significantly increasing uptake.
Stimulate Growth :- One of the best features of NNA is that it is very rich in vitamins, particularly our vitamins blend. These vitamins help provide your plant with the energy it needs to grow quickly and strong. This can be particularly helpful while cloning, when vulnerable young cuttings risk a quick death if they do not receive nutrients quickly.
Increases Yield:- You will probably notice the effects of NNA with your chosen base feed on your plant the most when it comes to harvest time. All those extra stimulants, enzymes, and nutrients will help create more voluminous flowers and many more fruits and vegetables. What’s more is that the extra boost of nutrients will help increase the quality of the harvest. Flowers will have more complex notes and sweeter fragrances and will be richer in color. Vegetables will be larger, heaver, and have more savory and complicated flavors. You won’t just enjoy yield that is more bountiful, but also more valuable.